marilyn manson

All posts tagged marilyn manson

Lis­ten close kids, this is all real, you will just under­stand more what this means when you become old­er


A pres­i­den­tial encounter between 4 souls just look­ing for some fun. At the end of the day, isn’t that what is impor­tant? Mak­ing sure you had fun?

tvmes­si­ah’s mes­sage is one of fun and enjoy­ing once self. And we bring you that mes­sage with our very first music video, for our first sin­gle, “TRUST US.” Porn­stars, masks, suits, wigs, and ani­mal cos­tumes for all. Look into Num­ber 7’s eyes, take cit­i­zen-m’s hand, TRUST US, as we lead you to the promise­land. The Mes­si­ahlu­tion will be Tele­vised.