7:peepee in the toilet just broke
peepee in the toilet just broke
peepee in the toilet just broke
peepee in the toilet just broke
peepee in the toilet just broke
and then my mother turned out the water
m:hello there my old friend it’s me again I said hello
and here is your platinum distributorship certificate of achievement
you have always been there for me
even when I was learning french
now delux addition!
my red flower, its battery is not full
but now I’ve got to go to school
7:but my toilet broke
my toilet broke
my toilet broke
my toilet, it won’t flush anymore
m:i hearby dub you hulk cogan
7:why does it always have to be my toilet
every single morning I could flush away
m:freshly fallen snow
babies kisses in the glow of your love
fresh baked cookies on a saturday morning
looney toons and cartoons are bad for your brains
7:but please fix my toilet
mr. plumer
m:mr Plumer you are not my mom
but you could be
i don’t know
because i cannot grow without your love
7:will someone fix my toilet?
m:please, there is peepee in the toilet