
Lis­ten close kids, this is all real, you will just under­stand more what this means when you become old­er


A pres­i­den­tial encounter between 4 souls just look­ing for some fun. At the end of the day, isn’t that what is impor­tant? Mak­ing sure you had fun?

tvmes­si­ah’s mes­sage is one of fun and enjoy­ing once self. And we bring you that mes­sage with our very first music video, for our first sin­gle, “TRUST US.” Porn­stars, masks, suits, wigs, and ani­mal cos­tumes for all. Look into Num­ber 7’s eyes, take cit­i­zen-m’s hand, TRUST US, as we lead you to the promise­land. The Mes­si­ahlu­tion will be Tele­vised.

Some we keep and some we abort. Here are 2 fine exam­ples of the types of prob­lems TVMESSIAH faces on a dai­ly basis on their way to the top.

Citizen‑m, aka ladies man extra­or­di­naire, aka I promise I’ll pull out baby, presents you with the best method for an unwant­ed sur­prise! And then we have Number‑7 aka pub­lic ene­my num­ber one, clean­ing up the mean streets of Hol­ly­wood, one porn star at a time.

Vir­gins, Vir­gins, Vir­gins every­where.….

For all those who have patient­ly been waiting.…here it is in all its glo­ry, the music video for the tvmes­si­ah clas­sic SLAP ME ON THE CHEEK

Don’t take this expe­ri­ence for grant­ed.


So your Mom just gave you $10 for allowance. What will you do with it?


You could go to the can­dy store and buy sweets.


but then you would be fat.

You could go down­town and buy some qual­i­ty crack cocaine.


but then you would end up a drug addict.

or…you could go online and buy one of tvmes­si­ah’s albums.


and you would be feared as the motha fukin gangs­ta you are.

And if your par­ents are too cheap to give you an allowance, you could always drop by your lib­er­al teacher’s house and tell them you need cash to get an abor­tion.


In this case, you would be able to buy a tvmes­si­ah album for your­self and all your friends so do this one.


tvmes­si­ah, the right choice.

Go to the Offi­cial tvmes­si­ah iTunes Page to get your fix.