coming out of the closet

All posts tagged coming out of the closet

We here at the tvmes­si­ah bat cave enjoy bring­ing you the very best in the chaos of our video pro­duc­tions & bina­ry art­work splat­tered all over your mon­i­tor.

This video that we are releas­ing is a love poem to all the mis­fits and weirdos out there look­ing for some­thing that makes sense in all the non­sense, and clar­i­ty in scat­ter brained con­sump­tion of this fringe niche under­ground swill we like to call #Choco­late­Boi

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TVMESSIAH on Twit­ter

The bat­tle between good and evil has been going on since the begin­ning of time. Whether it be the god of light­ning or the god of wind, a bunch of stat­ues in a room argu­ing over 2nd cen­tu­ry eco­nom­ics or Jesus Christ & Satan.….the bat­tle goes on and nev­er stops. Just wait and see. It nev­er stops and this is what makes tvmes­si­ah’s track such a clas­sic.

Vir­gins, Vir­gins, Vir­gins every­where.….

From the depths of the art of exper­i­men­tal sounds and poet­ry comes a track that mys­ti­fies the mind and a visu­al sym­pho­ny of a sto­ry told among the peo­ple of the south and through­out the his­to­ry of Chris­ten­dom. This music video is tvmes­si­ah’s ode to those who keep believ­ing in a life after death…and the option to believe in leg­end as a way you cope with the won­ders of our real­i­ty.