fuck you up like lsd

All posts tagged fuck you up like lsd

What is you + tvmes­si­ah’s OFFICIAL music video for Fuck You Up like LSD + A nev­er seen before UNCENSORED cut of tvmes­si­ah’s music video for TRUST US???

Prob­a­bly some­thing hot­ter than the infa­mous Obama/​Bush sex scene in our noto­ri­ous video for TRUST US with the pres­i­dents por­trayed with amaz­ing accu­ra­cy by uber tal­ent­ed adult film stars Kiara Diane and Prinzzess Felic­i­ty whose true unre­strict­ed, unedit­ed and uncen­sored per­for­mances can now be viewed as they were meant to be seen so every mes­si­ah knight can expe­ri­ence its glo­ry as God orig­i­nal­ly intend­ed: As if we were all back in the Gar­den of Eden nip­ping on fresh fruits and watch­ing YouTube with high speed broad­band.


And just in time for Christ­mas, our ware­house-rave and under­ground goth-club dub­step hit FUCK YOU UP LIKE LSD has an equal­ly filth­i­er addi­tion with the music video writ­ten, shot, edit­ed and pissed on by anti-Hol­ly­wood, anti-music-video and anti-any­thing-not-nasty film direc­tor RUDOLPH WEST!!! This true art afi­ciona­do even had us eat, digest and regur­gi­tate the film strips he used in the final cut for his direc­tor cred­it as seen in the fame below:

Rudolph West Title Card

TVMESSIAH — Fuck You Up like LSD [Official Music Video]