
All posts by tvmessiah

tvmessiah - Breakfast with Jesus Coming Out of the Closet tvmessiah - Follow me to the Gynecologist

Mas­ters of our des­tiny, mas­ters of our fate, we remas­tered our work so what you get is great!!!

Down­load all of our records before the new one comes out, all the kids are doing it so don’t be left out. Tell all your friends, moms and homo­sex­u­al dads, tvmes­si­ah is here to stay, not one of those mtv pop fads. For your one shop stop for all things weird fun­ny and taboo lis­ten up kids, tvmes­si­ah is com­ing for you!

Get our 3 clas­sic albums NOW!!!
1 — Fol­low me to the Gyne­col­o­gist (2001)
2 — Com­ing Out of the Clos­et (2002)
3 — Break­fast with Jesus (2004)

number 7 at his best

Num­ber 7

We know, we know, most of our work can only be found on friend’s old CDs that have been copied and trad­ed and our songs have been spread to many com­put­ers by being inject­ed like a virus from some kid’s jump dri­ve. We know that our music is scarce and very rare to find but we just real­ized that we can put our music online for all to see!!!!!

A few years ago we had some 2nd grade kid email us to see if we could be inter­viewed for his ele­men­try school news­pa­per. We did that inter­view and from that point on kids on the play­ground trad­ed our songs like crack rock on the shaft of an Eng­lish Fish­ing­boat. Kids seemed to enjoy the hip tunes of us tvmes­si­ah and even­tu­al­ly their par­ents got a hold of it and began rockin out too, like in the good ol’ days where all you need­ed was the per­son of the oppo­site sex and a trusty meth­pipe.

Citizen-m trending


There is lots of work is to be done if we are to com­plete any­thing. web­sites, twit­ter tweets, face­books, crazy times. Blogs, blogs. The dis­tance isn’t a prob­lem though, thanks to our won­der­ful friend the inter­net, wher­ev­er would we be with­out you??? And please do not for­get the won­der that is smart phone tech­nol­o­gy. The two of us are able to con­nect, col­lab­o­rate, do busi­ness, catch up and have a laugh. Maybe we’ll meet in the mid­dle one day, for a week or so, holed up in some cab­in in the mid­land, record­ing us a good ol’ fash­ioned Amer­i­can odd-rock record­ing ses­sion. Who knows.…maybe things hap­pen, maybe they don’t. Mys­tery.

With the upcom­ing release of our next album ‘TRUST US’ we have decid­ed to launch an offi­cial tvmes­si­ah blog to com­mu­ni­cate with you, our fans, and even our haters, cuz we could nev­er do what we do with­out you.

Check out the cover to our next album!!!!!!!!!

tvmessiah TRUST US