Number 7

All posts tagged Number 7

We here at the tvmes­si­ah bat cave enjoy bring­ing you the very best in the chaos of our video pro­duc­tions & bina­ry art­work splat­tered all over your mon­i­tor.

This video that we are releas­ing is a love poem to all the mis­fits and weirdos out there look­ing for some­thing that makes sense in all the non­sense, and clar­i­ty in scat­ter brained con­sump­tion of this fringe niche under­ground swill we like to call #Choco­late­Boi

TVMESSIAH on Sound­Cloud
TVMESSIAH on Face­book
TVMESSIAH on Twit­ter

Don’t ever say your moth­er told you nev­er to take drugs from some­one who promised to make you feel bet­ter or give you a ‘pick me up’ — espe­cial­ly a stranger from the Inter­net -

well tvmes­si­ah is here to give you that with­out a pre­scrip­tion or a war­rant.

Drop this track and then drop it some more:

Lis­ten close kids, this is all real, you will just under­stand more what this means when you become old­er


A pres­i­den­tial encounter between 4 souls just look­ing for some fun. At the end of the day, isn’t that what is impor­tant? Mak­ing sure you had fun?

tvmes­si­ah’s mes­sage is one of fun and enjoy­ing once self. And we bring you that mes­sage with our very first music video, for our first sin­gle, “TRUST US.” Porn­stars, masks, suits, wigs, and ani­mal cos­tumes for all. Look into Num­ber 7’s eyes, take cit­i­zen-m’s hand, TRUST US, as we lead you to the promise­land. The Mes­si­ahlu­tion will be Tele­vised.

We have been work­ing dili­gent­ly to bring all you mes­si­ahknights new mate­r­i­al in the form of our first stu­dio EP TRUST US.


Num­ber 7 and i came togeth­er in Amer­i­ca’s heart­land, Hol­ly­wood, to pro­duce what is sure­ly our best work to date. Record­ing at Audi­oLot stu­dios locat­ed in the Hol­ly­wood Hills, we worked on future sin­gles “Trust Us” and “Hand­i­cap Space.” Not only that, we also shot a video for the first sin­gle, Trust Us in which we have pre­pared a sur­prise to rel­ish in the form of a scan­de­lous sym­bol­ic sim­u­lat­ed sex scene between the last two pres­i­dents of the Unit­ed States, George W. Bush and Bar­rack Oba­ma.

Work­ing with infa­mous adult film stars Kiara Diane and Prinzzess Felic­i­ty, tvmes­si­ah cre­at­ed what may become our best youtube video to date. Col­lab­o­rat­ing with such tal­ent­ed artists as music pro­duc­er Tony Rene, J Jones, mix­mas­ter Joshua Aaron, Inter­na­tion­al Super­Star Pho­tog­ra­ph­er Matt Odom, and the ladies, tvmes­si­ah is quick­ly reach­ing the moment, a decade in the mak­ing, the res­ur­rec­tion of tvmes­si­ah.

Sign­ing out for now,

We used to record­ing all our shit on win­dows recorder and have to use dialup to get on the Inter­net to down­load samples.…AOL always fucked up. It would freeze the com­put­er dur­ing inspi­ra­tional moments and cre­at­ed hav­oc on our sys­tems. Fuck AOL, the offi­cial music video by tvmes­si­ah.

The bat­tle between good and evil has been going on since the begin­ning of time. Whether it be the god of light­ning or the god of wind, a bunch of stat­ues in a room argu­ing over 2nd cen­tu­ry eco­nom­ics or Jesus Christ & Satan.….the bat­tle goes on and nev­er stops. Just wait and see. It nev­er stops and this is what makes tvmes­si­ah’s track such a clas­sic.

For all those who have patient­ly been waiting.…here it is in all its glo­ry, the music video for the tvmes­si­ah clas­sic SLAP ME ON THE CHEEK

Don’t take this expe­ri­ence for grant­ed.

tvmessiah - Breakfast with Jesus Coming Out of the Closet tvmessiah - Follow me to the Gynecologist

Mas­ters of our des­tiny, mas­ters of our fate, we remas­tered our work so what you get is great!!!

Down­load all of our records before the new one comes out, all the kids are doing it so don’t be left out. Tell all your friends, moms and homo­sex­u­al dads, tvmes­si­ah is here to stay, not one of those mtv pop fads. For your one shop stop for all things weird fun­ny and taboo lis­ten up kids, tvmes­si­ah is com­ing for you!

Get our 3 clas­sic albums NOW!!!
1 — Fol­low me to the Gyne­col­o­gist (2001)
2 — Com­ing Out of the Clos­et (2002)
3 — Break­fast with Jesus (2004)